Tuesday, March 15

STEP AWAY- from the cookie jar!

What is a perfect rainy day? I ask myself.
A day to catch-up on old projects or maybe watch movies in my PJ's all-day.. Most rainy days that might be true but not today..
Today we bake COOKIES.
yup..I said cookies!! 
I use to love baking anything and everything. Now,since I have been diagnosed with celiac, I don't bake as much. I hate it! Nothing taste the same, the textures are all wrong and everything turns out as a flop! 
So one this rainy day I try again and
And they come from a boxed cake mix!!
YUP! Betty Crocker does it again..Gluten Free Style!
lets call these cookies.. Chewy Molasses..

1/4 cup molasses
1/4 cup vegetable shortening
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 large eggs
1/3 cup brown sugar 
1 box (15oz) yellow gluten free cake mix
1 teaspoon cinnamon

AND mix with lots of love
 350' for 12 minutes!

Rihanna loves them!
She was eating one as she watched the little brown mounds being baked in the oven!
I haven't had a cookie  this good in ages
so I ate and ATE and wow..
I'm in a cookie coma!!
and so did Rihanna...while watching the rain.


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